The Bookworm

The Bookworm

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Get to Know Stephanie...September's Employee of the Month

Stephanie has been with us for a little over a year. She loves being around all of the books and her co-workers. Stephanie does double duty working here and at McDonald's. You don't see many young people with that dedication. She is a hard worker to.

Her favorite book series is Harry Potter and her favorite book is Room by Emma Donoghue. Her favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast. If she could have dinner with any person living or dead it would be Joseph Gordon-Levitt. (Could I tag along? He's a cutie!) She would probably take him out for pizza since that is her favorite food.

When she grows up she would like to be a makeup artist on movie sets. (Now Stephanie remember us little people when you are rubbing elbows with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Blake Lively!)

Get to Know Ellen...August's Employee of the Month

 Ellen started at Hobart when she was in high school and she has been with us for four and a half years.  Now she is in college studying Forensic Science.  She changed her major to that from Psychology.  She says that is something we didn't know about her.  Another thing you may not know is that she is a great artist.  She painted the window she is standing next to in the photo.

What Ellen loves about working at the the library are her co-workers.  She said they have become a like a family to her.  Her favorite book is "The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood and her favorite movie is You're Next.

If she could have dinner with any person living or dead she would have dinner with her maternal grandmother and they would probably have lasagna which is Ellen's favorite food.
Ellen taking a much needed nap after painting her masterpiece!